Life in Lockdown is a blog series initiated by Greenwich Dance which features community and professional artists close to the organisation sharing how they are staying creative during these isolating times.

John Darvell – Director, Choreographer, Educationalist and Community Dance Practitioner


Day of rest. It’s been relaxing dog walks, comfort food and a ‘can’t afford this but I’m worth it’ bottle of wine. Ok, it’s also time to reveal a truth, I’m a total sucker for musicals. It’s the only type of show that I get that spine-tingling effect when the power punch of a song belts out. Sorry neighbours, I’ve started playing the Blu-ray refreshed production of Miss Saigon. A good sing-along for one happens. What happiness…

…erm, not quite. That came later, after one more (sort of) work Zoom gig, with my Newbury CrossFit chums.

To put into context, last year, as a man of 51 with an insane number of teaching sessions, my fitness was weirdly still in decline. I took a leap of stupidity into the CrossFit world and what an amazing experience it’s been. Yes, the fitness is intense but it’s that sense of community which really hits my happy hormones and reflects so much of what my creative practice is about: community.

When the crisis first hit Grant Dedden, owner of Newbury CrossFit, asked all his members to sign his Covid-19 response ‘I Pledge’ scheme and commit themselves to a NOCTURN dance activity in future. A real surprise, very touching, I even shed a few tears. To show my appreciation, I’ve secretly persuaded the group, who’ve not danced before, to create together a ‘thank you’ dance video. I’ve armed them with video tutorials and creative tasks. Tonight was our only video rehearsal and much collective belly laughing was heard throughout. I do love my job! [Since writing this we’ve now finished the video so enjoy this snippet of what they’ve created.]

Happiness happens for me when I’m able to bring people with a common purpose together in a shared experience. Working as equals, with plenty of humour and generosity, our alchemy can create something tangible, which is bigger than the sum of its parts. What a great way to end my week. And a fitting way to give you a glimpse of my practice.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and well, be kind to each other, and keep creating!


